Easy Nutritious Breakfast

 In Healthy Lifestyle

Having a nutritious breakfast has many health benefits when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. One of the recommendations by the Eat Well guide is to make sure you don’t skip breakfast. While many people do and can function well until their next meal. Every person who firmly believes something will of course argue in favour of it. Does that mean it is better? Healthier? That all remains to be answered……

One of the things which makes my life easier is planning ahead. Having a guide means I don’t have to think at the last minute as to what to have. I usually create a 4 week guideline for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Coming up with a variety of easy nutritious breakfast ideas can sometimes have me doing quite a bit of research, or becoming creative and inventive. By the way, I am neither of those! But sometimes I do come up with some pretty good ideas.

Easy Nutritious Breakfast Idea for Today!

  • 120 gr natural low fat yogurt
  • 30 gr oats (uncooked)
  • 15 gr 100% cacao
  • 15 gr ground cinnamon
  • 1 Orange
  • 1 cup of strawberries

Mix the oats and cacao then add the cinnamon, then add the yogurt as cacao can be a bit of a nightmare to mix! Once you’ve added the yogurt, mix it thoroughly until the cacao has blended before adding the fruits. Enjoy.

This lovely quick and easy nutritious breakfast will keep you full and satiated for many hours!

What are the nutritious benefits in these ingredients?

Yogurt has Protein, low saturated fat content, Calcium, Vitamin and Vitamin D3. The 120 grams comes in at about 67 kcal it is relatively low in calories for those who like to count their calories!

Oats are known to be high in calories hence why it forms only a small % of the breakfast. In having said that, oats are great for keeping you fuller for longer. 30 grams comes in at about 111 kcal. Oats are a good source of fibre as well as protein. They are low in saturated fats and in sodium. As a source of satiation and for slow release energy, oats are awesome! The oat part of breakfast comes in at 111 kcal for 30 grams.

Cacao is simply AWESOME! I am a massive fan of cacao and 100% chocolate due to it’s amazing health benefits. Cacao in its purest form is a great source of fibre, protein, iron and magnesium. It is also a source of calcium and vitamin B6 too. The cacao element in this breakfast is only 67 kcal, so not high at all!

Cinnamon is a rather underrated spice which works extremely well with many fruits. Cinnamon contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and traces of vitamin A. The cinnamon part comes in at very low calories with only 3 kcal but makes a big works beautifully (if you like the stuff, that is!)

Part of your 5 a day

Oranges are well known for being an excellent source of vitamin C and fibre as well as being a source of vitamin A, protein, potassium and calcium. A medium sized orange has in the region of 62 (ish) kcal.

Strawberries are yet another great source of vitamins and minerals. Strawberries are high in vitamin C as well as potassium. They also contain iron, calcium, potassium and sodium. A cupful equates to about 77 kcal.

In Conclusion

In total there are just under 400 calories in this breakfast. As such an important part of the day, that is relatively low.

With a bit of planning, it is relatively easy to keep your diet healthy and nutritious. A quick easy nutritious breakfast isn’t that hard to make. It just requires a bit of planning, that’s all.

Easy Nutritious breakfast ideas

Please note that calories may vary according to what ingredients you use!

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